Tuesday, June 14, 2011


When Beckham was 10 days old, he started receiving visitors from back home. First, my sister Anamae came for about a week, and was a BIG help!!! Sean was busy getting ready for finals so she came just in time. I was able to get some much needed sleep while Beckham hung out with his auntie :)

A couple of days before Anamae headed home, my parents came into town. My dad was only able to stay for a few days, but my mom stayed for another 2 weeks after he headed home. It was so much fun to be able to see my sister and parents! Beckham can't wait to see them again and meet his other grandparents and aunts and uncles in just a couple of weeks!

Anamae and Beckham...

Grandpa making the most of his limited time with Beckham...

Obviously, Beckham likes to sleep when he is being held...

A trip out to the coast while everyone was still here! Sean came and met us for some yummy fish and chips at Marshall's after he finished one of his finals...

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Amberlea! I just found your blog, and I am LOVING your life! What a cute little one, and so jealous of the time you are getting to spend across the pond!